MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Saturday, March 23, 2013

WCHW 2013 memo, core values, current agenda

2013. West County Hawk Watch.
Based out of Marin and Sonoma Counties.
The group educates the public about current threats that North American Birds of Prey face. We provide Raptor Identification programs. WCHW also works on projects such as the encroachment of wind turbines in prime bird, bat and eagle flyways and territories. Nest site protection. Migration studies and documentation. Children’s Educational book program. We also provide raptor hikes and workshops. Come on out...

*also on the agenda for 2013, bald eagle studies, rough-legged studies, ferruginous studies, WCHW team member education, mentorship and sponsorship programs...

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