Fall 2012 Trips to the Estero Americano for Raptor Identification with Sonoma Land Trust's public and member hikes and LandPath's annauk IooBY trip.
Bird Brains....
West County Hawk Watch member Ann P. and a group of public attendees
on a fall 2012 Estero Americano Raptor Identification hike
with the Sonoma Land Trust.
Sonoma Land Trust Public Hikes http://www.sonomalandtrust.org/join_in/public_outings.html
Charter School at hike with LandPaths on SLT Property
Heading out to see the hawks the kids had a great day with lots of different raptor species. Lots of Harriers and Red-tails and some Cooper's and Kestrels
The knowledgeable and reliable field guide David Barry.
Dave is an avid conservationist with local knowledge and open space connections.
I've known Dave since I was 6 years old and he's always been a class act.
(Dave and Larry co-lead this trip with LandPaths and Sonoma Land Trust annually)
info on Estero Americano Sonoma County
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