MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Merlin Sonoma County on hwy 12 Jesse House

merlin on hwy 12, originally uploaded by norcal_birdman.

2005? 2oo6? Jesse House, West County Hawk Watch.

this Merlin was at the junction of highway 121 and highway 12 near the stornetta building, also where you can still find the "stornetta" leucistic RTHA.

We were very careful not to get to close to this bird as it was eating and we didn't want it to be disturbed, At this point we were shooting with either 400mm or 600mm lens.

Jesse did a lot of work for WCHW, first web site, first photos, tons of recon and ID. He recently went to Klamath and hopefully he'll be back out and get some more epic shots, like he did here with this Merlin back in the day....

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