MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hawkwatch International - Shape Shifters

Hawkwatch International - Shape Shifters: Check out this composite image of a Cooper’s Hawk (http://hawkwatch.org/learn/factsheets/item/91-coopers-hawk) passing at eye-level on migration...

It is so important to stay on the bird to see all the possible profiles and views it offers....
We teach that in our outings and watches to stay on it and get all you can, we try to do this on all raptors, but always when its a species that is often hard call or misidentified. So often folks see a bird, make a call and then they move to look for the next bird, staying on a bird to see all its appearance at each angle is indeed a major key to un-tapping the wonders of Raptor Identification.... love the Blog HWI, thank you 

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