MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Friday, March 1, 2013

Lower Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge. Rough-legged Hawks 2013

We had a few real good looks at Rough-legged Hawks at the Lower Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge this week. We saw a half dozen dark morphs.  It was a great trip. Thanks Dave and Josh for coming along.

Broderick_House photo copyright 2013

So anyways really don't shoot to much anymore, but friends always have cameras laying around and its always for to "pop off a couple snaps" as Zach would say. me and Jesse were passing the camera to each other on this day....

Broderick_House photo copyright 2013

Good clean Patagials, strong marked up carpal blocks, dark wing tips, light colored head, eye stripe, dusky sub-terminal, brown body, buff-streaked chest, there is a lot going on here, totally different from any RTHA wing configuration....

What a year for the Rough-legged Hawks. They always show up every winter in the Lower Klamath Basin. We also had a real good year down here in the North Bay Area.
Lots of sightings and over-wintering Rough-legged in Sonoma, Marin and Solano. At least that is from our records at WCHW.  Also the list serves have listed the Roughies through-out their traditional over-wintering range in good numbers

Broderick_House photo copyright 2013

Here's the Rough-legged's we were able to capture, damn auto focus kept focusing on the clouds when the epic shot was right in front of you!

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