MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bay Area Birds of Prey upcoming tours and workshops in sonoma & solano counties

Sonoma Land Trust's 2013 Winter Raptor Events
Baylands Properties of Tolay Creek Ranch 
& Sears Point Ranch

Sunday, February 10th, 10am-1pm. SF Bay Flyway Festival. Raptor Walk at Sears Point Ranch

Sunday, February 17th, 10am-1pm. Raptor Walk at Tolay Creek Ranch

information and R.S.V.P:

the Sonoma Land Trust Raptor Identification programs and hikes are organized through Sonoma Land Trust and their staff, chiefly Ingrid Sterns. West County Hawk Watch acts as field guides, interpretive specialist and tour leaders. Broderick is the featured guide on these two trips, but he often comes along with an extra guide or two, Dave Barry, Zachary Dautrich, Ann Prentiss or possibly another WCHW team member could be along, you never know.

Solano Land Trust Winter 2013 Raptor Events
 Rush Ranch and Lynch Canyon

January 26th (Saturday), 11am – 3pm: Rush Ranch Raptor Identification Workshop & Hike.

February 9th  (Saturday), 10am – 2pm: Lynch Canyon Raptor Hike.

March 3rd (Sunday), 10am – 2pm: Lynch Canyon Raptor Hike.

March 17th (Sunday), 11am – 2pm: Rush Ranch Raptor “Season-End” Workshop & Hike.

information and rsvp:

     The Solano Land Trust Raptor Identification programs and hikes are organized through Solano Land Trust and their staff, chiefly Natalie DuMont and Mary Beth Crittendon. West County Hawk Watch acts as field guides, interpretive specialist's and tour leaders. Broderick is the featured guide on these events, but he often comes along with extra guides. The 6th year lead guides Earl Swenerton, Mary Beth Crittendon, James Walsh and the 3rd year team members and guides Dave Barry, Zachary Dautrich, Ann Prentiss, Christine Adams or possibly another WCHW team member could be along, you never know. We have lots of fun, exercise, fresh air and great hawks.....

Larry Broderick, West County Hawk Watch. copyright 2013. Mary Beth Crittendon photo.
Lower Klamath "Dilute Plumage" or Partial Leucistic Bald Eagle.

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