MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Partial Luecistic Red-tailed Hawk from Zachary Dautrich

IMG_0228 v1, originally uploaded by norcal_birdman.

Here is the "lucy" Red-tailed Hawk that has been around the last few winters.

We have had a few Luecistic Red-tails over the last couple years. Making for a interesting ID call for some.....

Via Flickr:
Red-tailed Hawk. Partial Leucism, or some call it partial albino.

We've been watching this hawk on and off since 2006. Me and Jesse House got some photos back in 06. But Zach did real good more recently.

All photos copyright Zachary Dautrich.


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