MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Update from 10-24-20 The Wildlands Conservancy [Guided] Raptor tour, Estero Americano.


Birds seen on our trip....from 10-24-20 The Wildlands Conservancy [Guided] Raptor tour, Estero Americano.

(all photos copyright to original photographers, use here for non profit and educational purposes only) 

Day started with Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels.

below is some Red-tailed Hawk photos, details under photos 


(above) Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, bird has two tone brown and tan look, note barred tail 

   Adult Red-tailed Hawk, dark hood, dark leading edge of wing, brick red tail, buteo form. 

Adult bird, good belly band, dark leading edge on wing, dark hood, brick red tail

Juvenile bird, barred tail, but good belly band, dark hood, and dark leading edge on wing (patagial)

Adult bird, good belly band, dark leading edge on wing, dark hood, brick red tail

Adult bird, good belly band, dark leading edge on wing, dark hood, brick red tail 


 Photo on right shows "scapular 'V' " the pattern of tan fathers on the birds middle to upper back 

^ Above Red-tailed Hawk details on age and morphs...

Different age and morphs of red-tailed hawks


 American Kestrels[below]

American Kestrel, [male from female difference] Male on left, female on right 

 American Kestrels,Male on left, female on right 

 American Kestrels, Female on left, Male on right 

Kestrel Range above

Then we saw a couple owls, Burrowing and Short-eared Owls

                                                                       Short-eared Owl
                                                                       Short-eared Owl
                                                                 Short-eared Owl - range

Short-eared Owls above photos, we saw one flush from a small group of low bushes as we crested the hill


below; Burrowing Owls, lucky to get both in flight views and multiple perch views. 

      This photo is similar to what we saw today with owl tucked into cover and burrow right beside it....


Burrowing Owl very lucky to get good looks today! 

  Golden Eagle hunting Burrowing Owl (just a visual to the protection to burrows offer)

Good chance some of the burrows we had passed had owls or badgers in them
Above photos Burrowing Owls, true to their form they love burrows..... 


All day long we had Turkey Vultures  

wings held at a dihedral or swallow V and primary feathers at the tips of the wings "fingered out" and small non bird of prey like head, more of a scavenger head.... 


Down at the Estero we had a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk fly in out of the sun, once passed us we could see the crescents in the wings, aka 'windows' aka translucents'

you can see the crescents aka translucent here at the base of the primary flight feathers that helped us make the identification call, the other things that helped were the smaller buteo form and the quicker accipiter like wing beats, below is a photo of an adult 


Closing out he day with good looks at a Northern Harrier [Male] below

 Male Northern Harrier

         Female Northern Harrier
                             range map Northern Harrier 

                                          Age and male/female Northern Harrier

Book we mentioned that goes into detail on all these and highly recommend for the next step in Raptor ID if you are going to take it 

Its got three different covers here are the two most popular covers.

Please check out Facebook page, like and if possible recommend us based on your days experience: on Facebook  www.facebook.com/WestCountyHawkWatch


Check the website for upcoming events: official Web page www.westcountyhawkwatch.com

And here on this page we post reports from past events, like the event we had yesterday, described above: on Google Blogger  http://westcountyhawkwatch.blogspot.com

thanks for coming out, it was a fun day, Larry Broderick

Estero Americano information 



In late December 2016, through the combined efforts of Sonoma Land Trust and other funding partners (State Coastal Conservancy, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation) The Wildlands Conservancy acquired the 547-acre Estero Ranch. Located on the border of Sonoma and Marin Counties, this acquisition prevents habitat fragmentation from development and expands the California Coastal Trail, as well as recreational use of the Estero Americano.

Estero Americano Coast Preserve is a coastal prairie with a three-quarter-mile stretch of Pacific Ocean coastline. The property includes a one-mile section along the mouth of the Estero Americano estuary, which is part of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Due to its diverse assemblage of wetland communities and estuarine habitats, the property is recognized by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as one of the most significant habitat areas in the State.

The Preserve will provide a hiking experience through wild, coastal California with breathtaking views of the Estero Americano, Point Reyes, and Bodega Head, and offer prime wildflower and wildlife observation and whale watching opportunities.



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