follow up on Lynch Canyon
Lynch Canyon 11-1-2020 _ Lynch Canyon Open Space Raptor Tour _ [West County Hawkwatch]
(all photos copyright to original photographers, use here for non profit and educational purposes only, photos here shown from WCHW photo pool and not of actual birds from the day, rather just references to help those learning, what we saw and how to tell what they are)
Lots of Red-tailed Hawks, most adult a few juvenile.
below is some Red-tailed Hawk photos, details under photos
Adult Red-tailed Hawk, dark hood, dark leading edge of wing, brick red tail, buteo form.

(above) Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, bird has two tone brown and tan look, note barred tail
Adult bird, good belly band, dark leading edge on wing (patagial), dark hood, brick red tail
Photo on right shows "scapular 'V' " the pattern of tan fathers on the birds middle to upper back

^ Above Red-tailed Hawk details on age and morphs...
We also saw quite a few American Kestrels[below]
American Kestrels, Female on left, Male on right
American Kestrel Range amp above ^Male Northern Harrier

Age and male/female Northern Harrier
We had some views of a Burrowing Owl, lucky to get both in flight views and a perch view.
Above photos Burrowing Owls, true to their form they love burrows.....
All day long we had Turkey Vultures
wings held at a dihedral or swallow V and primary feathers at the tips of the wings "fingered out" and small non bird of prey like head, more of a scavenger head....
So on the drawing above we have Golden Eagles right is adult, middle is sub adult and left is juvenile, aka first year bird.
... and to finish out the day we had a Sharp-shinned Hawk. (Below) small woodland hawk, in the accipiter group, short winged, head doesn't get to far past wrists, usually shows a squared off tail.
Book we mentioned that goes into detail on all these above raptors and highly recommend for the next step in Raptor ID if you are going to take it
Its got three different covers here are the two most popular covers.

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And here on this page we post reports from past events, like the event we had at described above: on Google Blogger
thanks for coming out, it was a fun day, Larry Broderick
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