MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.

MBC Dilute Plumage Bald profile photo.
the Lower K. Legend. MBC Photo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2013 up coming events and new west county hawk watchers!

Welcome everyone, here is a few dates and items for the next couple weeks...

Thanks for coming out to the events, whether it was Lynch Canyon, Sears Point
Baylands, Rush Ranch or Tolay creek! We just did those 4 properties over the last few weeks and boy did we see some good stuff.

Regarding upcoming items, We have a Lynch Canyon Raptor overload coming up 3/3/2013 and the season close at Rush Ranch 3/17/2013 powerpoint workshop and  short hike.

We have a few things lined up for the end of the raptor season. For us theseason runs mid-august to early-march, this being the annual migration times and the population influx of over-wintering raptors.

March 3rd Sunday, 10am – 2pm: Lynch Canyon Raptor Hike, Last Lynch raptor hike until August. Public is invited. R.S.V.P at www.solanolandtrust.org under the events calendar.

March 17th Sunday,  11am – 2pm: Rush Ranch Raptor "Season-End" Workshop & Hike Public is invited R.S.V.P at www.solanolandtrust.org

March 18th Monday 7:30pm Sonoma County & North Bay Raptor 2013 updates & Identification workshop.  Public is invited. First United Methodist Church. 1551 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa.

April 6th 10pm to 3pm Birding workshop with LandPaths and Bohemian Preserve,with David Barry and Larry Broderick _ Details forth coming

best wishes to you all it has been an incredible year for raptors in the bay area, and we are set to go to the Klamath Basin in a few days, email me if you'd like the details, larry.
larry broderick northcoastraptor@gmail.com
Golden Eagle Tail Study

...............and the Bald
all photos used for non-profit & education only.
west county hawk watch 2013. copyright original owners.

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